torsdag den 10. maj 2012

Another mooooovie This is a movie that was also filmed at our last GTG. It shows all the activities we did. And i'm actually in this one! Sort of. Not significantly.

torsdag den 26. april 2012

movies and things like paris Watch it if you can! It's the slideshow that was showed last weekend at our last get together. It sums up everything pretty well i would say. and if you fancy hearing some danish watch this. start at 7:47 and you will see what i did with my Saturday. Yes i LARP-ed. Yes that stands for live action role playing. Yes it was absolutely awesome. And yes....we did make the Danish news. Last week i was in Paris with some kids from my class. I was sick! Which was sort of a bummer...but then again i was in Paris so i'm not exactly complaining. I saw the Mona Lisa...which in all honestly i found to be a little unimpressive. I think what was more impressive was the insanely out of control amount of people elbowing there way through trying to catch a glimpse and get some pictures of this itty bitty painting of a very sad woman. This painting that was surrounded by others that in my opinion, were far more outstanding. But i do understand that it holds so much more than just the painting itself...if that makes any sense. This museum was fantastic though! I could have spent days and days in there if my feet weren't screaming at me. I'm excited to go back in May and have another look around! The Eiffel Tower was also quite exquisite at night time. I have a video of it! And only about 400 pictures. I'll try to upload them. But it was something. We climbed the stairs all the way up. Which was good before right before i had this pancake that was probably one of the singular most delicious things i have ever tasted in my life. The pancake place across the street from the Eiffel Tower. Go there. All the other pancake places i went to were a little stingy with the nutella. This guy seriously didn't hold back. I got one with nutella, strawberries, and whipped creme that tasted like vanilla. It, was, so, good. I can't stress that enough. Anyways up the Eiffel Tower was probably the highest i'd ever been in my life. It was a little thrilling. I saw the Arcs of Triumph old and new edition. The old one was gorgeous, of course. Just like all olden day architecture. The new one was actually pretty neat too. It was surrounded with all this super modern buildings and modern architecture. The kind of things that make you feel like you were in the future...or outer space. And that was the singular time the sun shined on our entire trip. We also took a bus tour around. I feel like i know the central areas of Paris pretty darn well. I took tons of pictures though! I was also a bit of a language disaster. Only moments after stepping off the plane i bumped into a lady and told her "undskyld" which is sorry in Danish. She looked at me like i was from another planet. I would always ask directions or order st restaurants and i would always end up speaking a messed of version of english/danish/french with all of them. I was in the middle of asking a police man for directions and just burst out laughing because i realized i had spent the first half of my conversation speaking danish too him and he was utterly baffled. Then! once i got the french thing down, i bumped into someone of the street and told them "Merci"...because it was the first french word that came to mind. Merci is thank you. I thanked a french man for bumping into me. You can imagine how quickly he scurried away from me. It was hard though! My brain was a giant jumbled mess. I didn't even tell you the funnest part though! Since we were in France....people spoke French...meaning rarely did we run into people who spoke Danish. Which means we had a secret language! We'd just sit there and talk about people i.e. on the metro right next to them and they wouldn't understand a word we said! It was so cool! I was the only one who was really excited about it though. For the rest of them it's pretty normal. I think that's because you can go pretty much everywhere and speak english and most will be able to pick up at least a little of what you are saying. Oh also there are about 100000 of these men wandering around Paris all trying to sell you identical little statues of the Eiffel Tower. They go around shouting "3 for one Euro" "6 for one Euro" and so on. The greatest part though is that they call all Americans Lady Gaga. Not even joking. Weird right? I though it was funny. I tried snails! They didn't taste like much. They were actually kind of gross though, just because they had the texture of snot. I suppose the tasted kind of like raw clams though. It was also because i just ate one plain. From what i've heard you're supposed to have this white onion sauce that goes with it. I would be willing to give it another whirl. The Metro was insane! So, so so so so many people. Like it the movies where you are cramming, noses almost pressed up against the glass of the windows. It get's really hot at gross after awhile. And from my experience French people are a smidge rude, as far as my standerds of manners go. But it was fun, mostly because the entire week i just pretended i was French. Eating baguettes and wearing horizontal stripes...riding the metro. You know. FRENCH PEOPLE HATE SPEAKING ENGLISH. This is speaking as an overall statement. I did meet some who were quite friendly. This is not a stereotype. From my experience some of them were plain nasty about it. The lady who worked the cashier and H&M practically threw my change at me and quickly said "have a nice day" in a monotone under her breath. Though she could quite easily just been a little cranky. I have other examples of this though! I'll upload pictures next time.

lørdag den 14. april 2012


Thoughts and things.

1. I never went upstairs in my second host families house. Not once. How weird is that? I never even asked. I have no idea what's really up there.

2. I live in a castle. I forgot to tell everyone.

3. Denmark has the worlds best cakes. It's probably why they are the happiest people in the world.

4. I'm going to Paris on Monday with my school for a week.

5. My new little host brother is the funniest kid ever. For the first two weeks i lived here he did nothing but stare at me blankly. I return...a blank stare. It was super awkward. Then he started laughing. He has the weirdest laugh in the entire universe. It makes me laugh, that laugh of his. I imitated it for my parents already on skype. I'm afraid i can't do that for all of you so you're just going to have to take my word for it. Also, i think we've talked about it like 12 times already at the dinner table. He persistently tells us all that he likes clams because they taste like pasta. No, no they do not. I don't know where in the world you've tasted clams but i'm tellin' ya buddy, they most certainly do not "smage lige som pasta". It's super great. He's also they only one who corrects my Danish. He always always does. I love it.

6. I made glass figures one day. With this lady in my rotary club. We made glass things. I made a little girl and boy. They were a little too little. But i think they turned out all right.

7. I love so many people. I'm pretty sure i'm now that obnoxious teenage girl who goes around just puttin' all there love on everyone. But i really do. Pure honest real deal heartfelt love is what i feel for them all. But I really am so grateful for all the lovely people in my life that make it so easy for me to love them.

8. I like my house. If you felt like google imaging it just write "Erholm Slot Denmark" into google images and it should turn up.

9. I am at peace with the fact that i have 3 months left of this exchange. I'm done whining about it.

10. There's a blog called 1000 Awesome things. And i love it because all the things really are truly awesome.

11. My third host mom is a teacher. My third host something really confusing. My two third host sisters and 17 and 14.

12. bleh.

lørdag den 17. marts 2012


I don't know if i've talked about hugging yet. Or more specifically to hug or not to hug. It comes up frequently when first meeting your host family, other host families you haven't lived with yet, and their families. It's awkward. Horribly uncomfortable. I think everyone has experienced it at one point or another.
Going in for the handshake...The spasm of hands, arms, and upper body flailing and flinching awkwardly and bobbing side to side trying to read the other persons body language. Realizing they intended to hug you and resulting with an horrible half hug/pat on the back.

Or what more frequently happens to me, which is even worse. Going in for the hug. I am a hugger. I like hugs. I think they're a friendly way to greet someone without overstepping the other persons personal boundaries. But Danes are weirdos. I go in for the hug, they stick out their hands, either i end up feeling like i'm smothering them with my overstepped display of personal affection or i quickly withdraw myself, placing my palm against theirs.

I have developed a hugging system, one that i feel is socially acceptable here. When you are first meeting someone, for example you're host moms' shake there hand. When saying goodbye you hug. And from then on the hugging barrier has been broken and you can feel free to squeeze away.

Sometimes it just takes a little determination. Sometimes all these Danes need is a little push. I think to myself No, we've met about 34617864826 times. We've had conversations. You hug all the other family members in the room. I am not going to be the awkward foreign child who gets the handshake. We are hugging. And you'd think that after initiating the hug over and over again it would begin to become a natural thing. But no, every time i am offered the hand.

To all those thinking of hosting an exchange student. HUG THEM. Hug them when you first meet them. You handshake with strangers, this kid is going to be a part of home. They are family the second they step into your house. That may seem strange, because yes they are technically a stranger...but i swear to you they will appreciate it.

Or maybe not. This is definitely a cultural thing. It's just how they are here. You go to Brazil and the give you kisses. And as much as i dread the awkward confrontation if they don't feel comfortable hugging me than i respect that.

There's this thing we do in my host family now too. When we greet the Grandparents. I've gotten okay at it but it's a little complicated. I'm not really sure how to describe it. It's a variation of one arm on a their side, the other on their shoulder...? i think, i'm not actually sure of the correct placement. Then you press each others cheeks together. Sometimes you make a kissing sound...sometimes it's an actual kiss but very rarely. I've always wondered if there was a correct side to lean it. Is it a universal thing that when this greeting takes place there is a specific side we must lean to? I think it's left. I'm not really sure. Which of course leads to me bobbing from side to side indecisively every time. I like it though. It's definitely not typically Danish.

That's all i have to say on the matter of hugging at this time.

fredag den 9. marts 2012

My ears are ringing and my stomach hurts.

For all those who were curious i ate 5 pieces of brunsviger today. Five. Two with my class, and then i went over to my friends house and ate three more. If that's not enough we also made risengrød. I don't know if i've talked about risengrød yet...but it's basically delicious vanilla rice pudding covered in kanel and sugar with a hole in the center where you place a chunk of butter that eventually melts and trickles over onto the rest of the pudding. It's quite labor intensive in that it takes an hour to make. Now my stomach is aching.

The concert was super duper. My first concert ever. I've decided that i'm a fan of tasteless danish pop music. It's catchy and makes me feel eccentric and foreign. Sooo....♥NIK OG JAY♥

Nik og Jay.

Here's a link to the concert i'm going to later tonight. I'm going with my host sisters. These two are a pretty big deal over here. My first host sister described them to me like this: Before Nik og Jay Denmark was a relatively conservative country when it came to showing off wealth. But Nik og Jay came along and made it "cool" to be flashy.

I'm excited to go. Not necessarily because i enjoy the music. Danish music overall tends to be a little awful. The majority of the music they listen to is from USA. But Nik and But i like it because it's in Danish. And it's fun listening to music in Danish.

Also now everyone can hear what Danish sounds like!

So, that's what i'm doing with my Friday evening.


This. This is the most disgustingly delicious thing i have ever tasted. It's a little horrifying. Most of the time it is topped with more candy and frosting decoration. Whoever came up with the is sick. It's basically sugary bread lathered in a brown sugar/butter mixture. Those dark puddles you see on top..those are puddles of melted butter and brown sugar. Most Danes eat for as one of their birthday cakes. Or just all the time. For example i'm eating it today in class, because today is Cake Day. Every friday is cake day.

If any of you curious souls out there dare to try it....the link to the recipe is above. It's also in danish, so some google translate and unit conversions will be needed.

But it's seriously delicious.

mandag den 5. marts 2012

Orange you glad?

Last night i made Sukiyaki for my host family. I still am not used to handling raw meat. I'll have my far off future husband know that if i am to be cooking the meals there will be a noticeable lack of all things that were once living. If he wants that steak he's making it himself.
But anyways i was pretty proud. It was a weekend of many culinary adventures.
I tried home making pasta again on Saturday! With my host mom and Elisa. Is was the second time.

I forgot to tell you the first time. It was a delicious disaster. I made it with Elisa, Alandra, Carlos, and Otavio a couple weeks ago. I think ravioli was setting our sites a little too high as far as what we were culinary capably of. But after many many hours i would consider it a culinary success. Our Italian Family Dinner.

But this time is was slightly less disastrous. Highly delicious. The pasta dough was much easier to work with. So progress in the noodle department is being made.

Oh! And a funny thing. I don't know if it's actually funny or if it's just me who thinks it's hilarious. But the other day me and my friend from school were reading my english magazine..and one of the captions said something like "orange you glad" She didn't get it. So i explained it to her. Then i told her the knock knock joke. The one i'm pretty positive 100% of you know what i'm talking about. Because it's pretty much the most basic overused joke of all time.
But on the off chance that you don't...
Knock knock..
who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad i didn't say banana?


Good. Okay, now that we are all on the same page. I told her expecting her to find it overwhelming not funny. But she thought it was the most hilarious thing ever. She laughed for such a long time. And now she keeps asking me to tell it to other people.
These Danes i'm tellin' ya....

tirsdag den 28. februar 2012

4 ways.

mandag den 27. februar 2012

Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

- e.e. cummings


Andrew VanWyngarden Quote

Andrew VanWyngarden Quote (clipped to

Fact: I am going to. On the 18th of March.

The Wallet.

As you can see my blog is a bit prettier than when i last updated! But i am still not clever enough to figure out how to upload videos directly. This whole thing is a bit of a work in progress...

The Room.

tirsdag den 7. februar 2012

Old and New.

Today i was referred to as an "oldie" for the first time. In exchange we have the terms "oldie" and "newbie."
When i first came to Denmark there were oldies, those who were already half way through their year. Most of them were from Brazil and Australia. Now they have all gone home, and new people have come to Denmark. The majority of them are also from Brazil and Australia.
Thus i am now an oldie.
Which is beyond freaky.
My language school has ended, but today i went to the first language school for the newbies. It was so strange sitting there and knowing the answer to every single thing. To see the looks on all their faces when the teacher began to danish. That was me six months ago. I remember the first time i went to language class. We sat there completely baffled without a clue what was going on. Danish seemed impossible.
Last week i gave a presentation about Alaska to my Rotary Club in Danish. I spoke in Danish the entire time.
To see such drastic changes in the past six months amazes me. I had forgotten what it was like to hear jibberish around me all day every day.
To be completely this particular moment i am feeling pretty awesome.

Last weekend i walked for 24 hours. It was a volunteer thing to help raise money for these scouts. It was a lot of walking and a lot of pain. My feet were swollen, bloody, and blistery by the end of it. It sounded like a really brilliant activity at first. But after one of my friends and I decided to speed walk for three hours...and around 4 am...i wasn't too keen of life. But there was really good food and it was free. The adults running it were very appreciative that we showed up and volunteered. I also met some new people and had interesting conversation. Most of it American related.

It's always interesting to hear what people have to say about America.

My host family is super great. I'm not sure how much i've told you about them. My host mom is an ammmmmazing cook. It's like living in a 5 star restaurant i swear. Everything flows really easily. There are no real conflicts.

I can't imagine myself being anywhere other than here. I don't even really think about it. I'll sit with my host family, Mormor, Morfar, Farmor, Farfar, the cousins, uncles, aunts, everyone. I remember how blessed i am. Not everyone is blessed with so much family in their lives. Real big love.

Also this is the truth, six easy steps to piss of a dane.
If you had some more spare moments.

mandag den 30. januar 2012

Christmas Photos!

Only about a month late...
Happy February!

My æbleskivers before and after. My host mom taught me well.

My lovely second host family.

My host sister and I

The Christmas Tree!

The lights in Odense. Everything was so gorgeous. I miss all the decorations.

This was my favorite street of all time to walk down when it got dark.

I love my host family now. It's really easy with them. Conversation is never forced.

torsdag den 26. januar 2012

Stuff Anchoragites (never) say...

So i realize my last blog probably wasn't as hilarious for the rest of you as it was for me.
And my next blog post will be all about me and my shenanigans i swear.
But i found this video to be pretty darn funny, and it rings of truth.
Also dad, your cheese blog is on the way.

and i'm not clever enough to figure out how to post a link directly on this if you desire here is the url. I find it well worth the 2 minutes and 43 seconds.

onsdag den 25. januar 2012

You know you've been in Denmark to long when...

I just got added to this group on facebook. It's absolutely hilarious. Here are some posts....

You think there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.

You think its normal to pick up a girl in a pub, walk her to her bike and ride with her back home.

You think its impolite to sit next to someone in a bus if there is a bench where you can sit on your own.

You go to the supermarket and buy three good beers and 10 not too good ones.

You can open a beer bottle with almost anything.

You honestly believe that the distance between Copenhagen and Aalborg is long.

You can tell the difference between a Grøn Tuborg and a Carlsberg beer.

The first thing you do on entering a bank/post office/pharmacy etc. is to look for the queue number machine.

You accept that you will have to queue to take a queue number.

When a stranger on the street smiles at you, you assume that:
a. he is drunk;
b. he is insane;
c. he is British;
d. he is all of the above.

Silence is fun.

It no longer seems excessive to spend 800 kr. on alcohol in a single night.

You know that "religious holiday" means "let's get pissed".

You use "Mmmm" as conversation filler.

The word "yes" is an intake of breath.

You have only two facial expressions, smiling or blank

Traditional dinners may not necessarily mean a cooked meal.

You forget how to open canned beer.

Can't remember when to say "please" and "excuse me".

You frown at "guest workers" who use "please" and "excuse me" for not integrating!

You will leave a pub if you can't find a seat.

Your wardrobe no longer has suits but blue shirts and mustard colored sports jackets and lots of denim.

You don't mind paying the same for a 200-metre bus ride as you do for going 10 kms.

You don't look twice at businessmen in dark suits wearing white sport socks.

You start to believe that if it weren't for Denmark's efforts, the world would probably collapse pretty soon.

You find yourself more interested in the alcohol content than the name of the wine.

It feels natural to wear sport clothes and a backpack everywhere.

You know the meaning of life has something to do with the word "hyggelig".

You are very surprised when you receive compliments about ANYTHING - including your appearance/clothing! In fact when you do, you find it suspicious and start thinking they might have ulterior motives.

You no longer offer to get the cheque on a date - for fear of physical attack from your felame companion.

You don't think it strange that no one ever comes by to visit without being invited and you never show up at any one's place unannounced either.

You find yourself lighting candles when you have guests - even if it is brightly sunny outside and 20 degrees.

You offer people strange-tasting brown alcoholic liquids with their coffee in the MORNING!

You find the idea walking across the street when the light is red unforgivable, even though there are no cars in sight and it's 3am in the morning!

You consider a 6 month InterRail or Backpacking trip sufficient to "know" the world and thus proclaim Denmark to be the pinnacle of civilization. For thereafter to settle back into mediocracy, smug in the knowledge that you "braved those wild frontiers" :P

You understand that Danes aren't rude and abrupt like they may appear, just a little more reserved than most but once you gain their trust they will be your friend for life.

You accept the stereotype that Swedes are always drunk, Germans are always nude when they have sand under their feet and English speaking people tend to smile to hide confusion.

The highlight of your evening is the hotdog with remoulade or the calzone from 7/11 at the end of the night-end of the night being the arrival of the first bus in the morning!

You consider standing in the Airport Arrivals hall waving a danish flag normal and "hyggeligt"

You've become the master guru of bicycle repair

You find normal spending the whole week-end with your mates rather than with your partner

You start setting up Dannebrog everywhere

You think someone saying Undskyld is just a weirdo

You start yelling at pedestrians crossing at red light while there is no car in sight

You think anyone who is not convinced any single thing in Denmark is great (but maybe the weather, ok), and the Danes the most civilized people on earth should just go home

You are sincerely unable to understand someone asking for the Strøget if the ø is hesitant, the stød isn't pronounced enough, the g not smelted into an l or the t is heard

You know anything else than a Danish diploma cannot have any value

You say Skål at every sip because you can't find anything else to say

You dance around the christmas tree singing carols

You consider anyone who has bought property and sold it on at a profit to be a "shark" and thus a fair target for all sorts of negative comments and bad feelings!

You don't check for other pedestrians behind you before you stop in a crowded street.

You don't really want things to go TOO well for anyone, unless they make you proud of being from Denmark.

You can say rød grød med fløde, Blåbærsyltetøj, and Angstskrig.

You are not surprised to have the closing door slam you in the face if following too closely behind somebody. Why should you hold the door for someone else?!?

You know the rules of handball!

You think its okay to walk away from a conversation without excusing yourself

You, every time you're in an awkward silence, have the urge to say "jo-jooooo..."

You consider spending more than 30 minutes on a bike and/or bus/train to get to school totally normal

You no longer freak out about getting to the train station in plenty of time because you know that DSB will be late anyway

You plan your trips allowing plenty of time for the DSB train you're on which will undoubtedly be late

You can't remember what a party without alcohol is like

You no longer have the urge to stand up and dance at a club or a party until you have consumed large amounts of alcohol

You have given up all hope of finding any logic in the pronunciation of the Danish language

You feel comfortable laughing at jokes about Swedes

You find the idea that somewhere in the world there are "no-smoking" signs in restaurants, train stations, etc, foreign

You think it is interesting to discuss the pronunciation of the words håndklæde (towel), hindbær (raspberries), sort (black) and hjort (deer)

You think it's perfectly fine too steal a bike if you're drunk enough

You believe that the days of the week are named after the nothern mythology

You think it is normal being paid 90 kr. a hour for working at a supermarket

You only refer football clubs by their initials

You hate everyone from the other side of Bæltet

You consider the Island of Funen (Fyn) to be a speedbump

You can bakke snagvendt (altså snakke bagvendt)

You have completely forgotten the concept of twist-off bottle caps

Tipping waiters/barstaff/taxi drivers seems overly gratuitous

You have forgotten the meaning of the word "gratuitous"

You complain about only having 5 weeks of vacation a year

You no longer notice the noxious gasses given off by the cheese in your fridge

You no longer notice all the windmills

You think it normal for there to be over 10 political parties to choose from

You for that matter, think it normal for 'Venstre' to be a right-wing party

You know your teacher, doctor and/or in-laws by their first names

You like to think the fact that the Queen is a chain-smoker makes her 'down-to-earth'

When making a right-hand turn while driving, you habitually check over your shoulder for bicyclists

You find yourself reading the subtitles even when watching something in english

You no longer consider joining Scouts to be completely geeky

You have given up trying to find a radio station with good music

You buy a hot dog with a credit card

You find it normal that shops close earlier on weekends

You find girls with a beer belly attractive

You have an insurance on your bike

You trash any leftovers

You answer calls by saying your name (which confuses people abroad)

You start to MISS an openly corrupt government

You take your wallet to a private party

You fill your own car with petrol

You pack your own groceries

You consider it a BAD idea unless it was agreed upon by the "group"

You never say "Thank You" to the bus driver for driving you all around the city

You eat more bacon than red meat

You think its absurd to pay for an education

You expect to GET PAID to take an education

You think its a human right to get paid 1500€/month for being out of a job

You think its normal to pay 40-60% taxes

You start thinking that life in jail is a long time when it's only 16 years, and the hardest punishment you can get.

You no longer care about if your shoes match your outfit when invited to a party at a friend's house. You have to take them off anyway.

You think it is normal to cost 10 or 20 thousand kroner to paint the walls white and sand the floors when you leave your rented apartment

You start considering a 20 year old Mazda with T-Hansen exhaust cool

You think a pint glass seved in a bar is full when its only 2 thirds full

You think that Denmark's effort in WWII was a driving force agains Germany

You actually think remoulade goes with fish fillet (or anything else for that matter)

You enjoy Fernet Branca shots

You forget how to drive around a roundabout properly

You pay 25 euros for breakfast and think it is "so so so cheap!!!"

You overtake another car at the highway which is driving 100 with 101 km/h

You no longer find this list funny - just painfully true!

lørdag den 14. januar 2012

i don't know what to call this post.

Hi there. I haven't been the best at updating lately. So this blog will be jam packed with exciting things.

First Chirstmas.
The Danish Christmas is celebrated on the 24th not the 25th.

Pre Christmas activities:
The week leading up to Christmas everyone in the family get's a present on the 4 Sundays. We also made wreaths with four candles in them. Every Sunday we lit another candle. It's called advent. We also have another candle that has the numbers 1-24 and we light it every day burning it down until Christmas. ALSO every day in December there are these JuleKalanders on the TV. They are shows about Christmas with a different episode every day. We watched two different ones this year. We did a good share of cookie baking too. We definitely did not have a shortage.

Christmas Eve:
We wake up. Have a lazy morning. Go to church. Christmas Eve is the only time the majority of Danes show up for church. We sing songs in church. Then the entire family came over to eat. They have a very specific Christmas eve menu.
Then we lit the candles on the tree, held hands, and walked around the Christmas tree while singing.
Then we opened presents.
Then we ate even more. The call it "Nat Mad"
There's something i didn't think of until just now...this was the first Christmas that was completely unrelated to Santa. I don't think he was even ever mentioned. Weird.

Christmas Day:
I spent with my lovely first host family. And Dwight. Dwight is my host brother Kristian's friend from when he was on exchange in Canada. We ate peanut butter together. And i found it oddly comforting when he starting eating with his fork in his right hand. haha, i hadn't seen that in months. We also sang and danced around the Christmas tree. Danes also play this game with dice and presents. A dice is passed around and if you roll a six you can get a present. Once all the present are taken you steal. When the times up some people have five packages and some have none. I was not very good at this game.

After Christmas Day:
I spent with my second and current host family at my Mormor's house. We ate more food.

New years!
New Years Eve first i went to eat with my host family and there friends. The food was SO GOOD. I had the first red meat i've actually liked since being in Denmark. It was times like that night, when the men dressed in suits, and the ladies in heels. Everyone sipping champagne and the table set like something out of a catalogue...that i kind of laugh in my head. Here i am stumbling around awkwardly in my first pair of heels, using the wrong spoon for the soup, and mustering up as much sophistication as i possibly can. It's almost like a funny joke...story of my life. haha. I don't know, maybe you had to be there. It was really really fun though. They were a nice family. And i always enjoyed pretending to be fancy. I never get the opportunity so often back in Homer.
After dinner i took a bus to my friend's house from school. There was a small gathering of ladies there. It was very fun. Little sleep was had, as it should be on New Years Eve.
Here though, when the clock strikes twelve people don't kiss. Instead we all "hop in" to the New year. You stand on chairs and jump.

This past Friday i went to my host sisters school and have a presentation about Alaska to two classes. It was fun, the kids were really really nice and funny. And they laughed at all my jokes, so maybe they think i'm funny. It's always nice when people think you're funny. They were also very surprised i could speak Danish. They told me i was really good, which always makes me happy to hear. Because i'm trying really really really hard.

The thirty first of this month i will be giving my presentation to Rotary in danish!
Which brings me to more exciting news. My new years resolution was to speak only Danish in the new year. So i speak only Danish with my host family and the kids at school.

Oh! and today i drove with my host mom, sister, and her boyfriend to a big...thing. I'm not really sure what to call it. My host mom works for a danish design company. There was this thing where companies from all over Europe set up booths. It was so great! I love looking at pretty things. I felt very artistically inspired today. And i spoke to the booth owners in Danish. So it was a day full of accomplishments.

Here is a little visual aid of my Danish Christmas...

Actually just kidding. My pictures won't upload. I will try again another day.

So to be continued...