mandag den 7. november 2011

Dead ducks, Pumpkin Cheesecake, No sleep.

Halloween is not yet a thing in Denmark. It's definitely catching on however.
My host mom bought little pumpkin candles and on Halloween she made pumpkin soup. It was really sweet.
She also bought me a pumpkin so that i could bake a pumpkin dessert.
Except i didn't even have the slightest clue how to go about cooking a pumpkin. After some google research i decided to make pumpkin cheesecake. and it was delicious.
I also went to a Halloween shindig with some of my danish buds. I was an indian.

Then i went hunting. Duck and pheasant hunting. With my third host family. They live in a castle. It's very large and has lots of bathrooms. And uninhabited rooms. And really slippery floors. There are also a lot of chandeliers.
Cheers to trying new things. Never in my life would i have ever thought i would have participated in such a thing.
Sometimes my life makes me laugh. It seems really unreal. Before the hunt everyone gathered and the whistle/horn thing was blown. Everyone was decked out in proper hunting attire. The kind you see in movies. The men were wearing those tight knee pants, tall socks, and those funny looking caps. Naturally, everyone was wearing neutral earth tones. I chose that day to wear my floral right and large bright orange ethnic printed scarf.
Hunting is a lot of waiting. My day went something like " wait, wait, wait, wait, hunting hounds chase, birds fly, boom, boom, boom, feathers floating in the air, birds falling from the sky, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. "
One time a bird landed right next to me. It wasn't yet deceased and just laid there convulsing and ruffling it's feathers.
Then at the end of the day they played songs on that horn/whistle. One for the ducks, one for the pheasants, and one for both. They laid out all the dead birds on the grass according to type. And said some kind words that i couldn't quite understand.
It was an experience. A very interesting day indeed.

This past weekend there was another exchange get together in Holbæk. It was Newbies, Oldies, and Rotex. Newbies referring to us who arrived in the summer. Oldies referring to those who arrived this winter and are almost done with their exchange. Rotex are people who live in Denmark and have gone on exchange in years past. So, many, people. It was one massive sleepover. Without sleep.
On Saturday all of us dressed up for sort of a post-halloween halloween celebration. So much love. It continues to amaze me. I have never met or bonded with so many fantastic people. Every single one i meet. I didn't think it was possible to love this many people. For the oldies it was their last get together and the last time a lot of people would see each other. It was really emotional. And unbelievable because when they leave i am halfway through this experience. My skin was tingling. We will be receiving newbies in January. I don't even want to think about it.

So that is all for now.

Currently still happy.

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